Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Monday 04 – 21 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Washington Post, CNN feature Easter stories denying the resurrection.
“Heaven is for Real” the #3 movie this week.
“Selfie” president commemorates children enjoying White House Easter Egg Roll with picture of himself.
So far, 2014 having slowest U.S. tornado season ever recorded.
CNN’s Peter Bergen actually claims “right wing extremists” more dangerous than Al-Qaeda.
Clemson football program under fire for being too Christian.
CNN asks “why would a woman kill her babies?” without once exploring abortion culture.
Pregnant prostitute says she will get an abortion so she can appear on a reality show she was offered.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor John Ortberg, author of “Soul Keeping” to discuss what the “soul” actually is and how to care for it.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the new movie “Heaven in for Real”.
Guest Interview: Kathy Sanders, author of “Now You See Me” to discuss her losing her grandchildren in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and her reaching out to forgive the bombers.
Other Issues Discussed….
Pastor Saeed Abedini writes Easter message from Iranian prison.
An examination of a new fossilized “daddy long legs” and how it actually points to Creation, not Evolution.