Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 04 – 29 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
NBA investigating L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racist comments.
NAACP was planning to honor Donald Sterling with Lifetime Achievement Award.
Al Sharpton threatens rally protest of NBA, demanding they force Donald Sterling to sell team.
Hillary Clinton invokes Jesus to tout minimum wage increase.–hillary-clinton/?utm_hp_ref=chicago&ir=chicago
Sec of State John Kerry says Israel may become “an apartheid state”.
NBC’s Meet the Press’ David Gregory tries to blame Islamic extremism on Tony Blair and George Bush.
In Malaysia, Obama tells Muslim Imam “pray for me”.
Director of big budget Hollywood movie “David and Goliath” says his movie will be “Biblically correct”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Michael Ross, author of “Worry Free Living” to discuss how Christians can live free of worry and anxiety.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling’s racist comments.
Guest Interview: Dr. Janet Maccaro, Ph.D. In Holistic Nutrition to take calls from listeners on what natural, holistic (non-New-Age) remedies there are for various health problems.