Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 06 – 17 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama to send 275 troops to Iraq.–says-Obama
Hillary Clinton Bible is “my biggest influence”.
Shareholders applaud when Time Warner CEO is challenged for CNN’s liberal bias.
Two years worth of IRS e-mails go “missing”.
Oxford Dictionary and Google Dictionary defines “bigotry” as “right wing”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Dr, Janice Crouse, Executive Director: Concerned Women for America’s Beverly Lahaye Institute to discuss condoms being distributed to 11 year old school kids.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Todd and Erin Stevens, authors of “How to Pick Up a Stripper” to discuss their ministry to women in the stripping industry.
Open Line Topic: A discussion of a California Elementary school promoting homosexuality during a school wide assembly.
Guest Interview: Dr. Rick Love, author of “Peace Catalysts” to discuss how to
Other Issues Discussed……
The Sterling Heights pro-gay ordinance being debated tonight.