Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 07 – 14 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Oscar winning actor Jon Voight rips into Obama and the Democrats.
Eric Holder claims people politically oppose his and Obama’s agenda because they’re black.
DOJ investigating a Nebraska parade float that insulted Obama as possibly criminal……but still refuses to investigate IRS scandal.
In last speech, Obama uses “I” “Me” and “My” 199 times.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Best Selling author Wayne Allen Root, author of “The Murder of the Middle Class” to discuss how liberal economic policies are destroying the Middle Class”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on a new Georgia Law allowing gun owners to carry in church.
Guest Interview: Joshua Muravchik, author of “Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel” to discuss the current attacks on Israel.
Other Issues Discussed……
New study shows as concealed weapon licenses dramatically increased, murder rates dramatically went down.
Paper quotes the Pope as saying 2% of Priests are pedophiles.
“Pro-Choice” woman attacks young pro-lifer.