Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 10 – 20 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama golfs for over 4 1/2 hours, then holds evening Ebola meeting his Ebola Czar skipped.
Video montage of Obama repeatedly bragging that he ended the war in Iraq and then now denying it wasn’t his decision.
Why did Karl Rove suggest the found WMD’s in Iraq be kept a secret?
John Kerry says Islamic extremism not linked to Islam, but to poverty and Climate Change.
Communist Party USA launches effort to get people to vote Democrat this election.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Jim Cymbala, author of “Storm” to discuss how far the Church is falling from authentic Christianity.
Other Issues Discussed….
Catholic Bishops shoot down Pope’s attempt to include positive views of homosexuals.
Mars Hill megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll suddenly resigns.
If you have $3650.00, you’re in the wealthiest half of the world.
Jesus painting ordered removed from Ohio school now on large, lit sign in view of school.
Idaho town ministers threatened with jail if they refuse to perform gay weddings.
$800 million “Museum of the Bible” to start construction in Washington D.C.
Guest Interview: Best Selling “5 Love Languages” author Gary Chapman to discuss hid upcoming conference.
Guest Interview: Christian apologist Elgin Hushbeck, author of “What is Wrong With Social Justice” to discuss the problems with the liberal mantra of “Social Justice” and the truly Biblical way to help the poor.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the planned death of brain cancer newlywed Brittany Maynard, scheduled to take her own life on November 1st.