Monday, October 27, 2014

Show Highlights, Monday, Oct. 27th, 2014

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 10 – 27 – 14

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Democrats trying to get government to regulate political web talk.
Ex-CBS investigative reporter blows lid off Media bias for Obama.
Hillary” “Don’t let anyone tell you businesses create jobs”.
Senate gun Bill would not have stopped Marysville school shooting.
Quarantined nurse fighting back against new rules.
Bristol Palin lashes out at CNN and liberal media after her assault is mocked.
NYC hatchet terrorist expressed Islamist views online.
Man who smashed 10 Commandments monument says Devil made him do it.
Glen Campbell: “Thank You Heavenly Father”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Neil Mammen, author of “Jesus Is Involved in Politics”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
An examination of some troubling aspects of the upcoming Biblical epic “Exodus”.
Guest Interview: Duck Dynasty older (and beardless) brother Alan Robertson to discuss the new upcoming season.
Guest Interview: Dr. Adrian Warnock, author of “Hope Reborn” to discuss fake versus real Christianity.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the forced quarantine policies of New York and New Jersey.

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