Thursday, October 23, 2014

Show Highlights, Thursday, Oct. 23rd, 2014

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 10 – 23 – 14

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Comparing Networks reporting on Bush’s low approval midterms of 2006 versus Obama’s in 2014.
Top Meteorologist and Weather Channel Co-Founder says “Climate Change” has been proven to be “nothing but a lie”.
Autopsy report supports Ferguson cop’s account of shooting.
Georgia State Democratic Party sends election mailer invoking Ferguson shooting.
Cook County (Chicago) Illinois voting machine registers GOP votes as Democrat.
Florida school kids to receive illustration of giant human-like Bible sexually assaulting a woman.

Newshour Guest Interview: Rich Noyse, Director of Research for Media Research Center to discuss the Networks lack of coverage of the pro-Republican 2014 Mid-term elections compared to the massive coverage of the pro-Democrat mid-term elections of 2006.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Rita Schulte, author of “Imposter” to discuss how Christians often mask who we really are.
Other Issues Discussed….
Florida school kids to receive illustration of giant human-like Bible sexually assaulting a woman.

Guest Interview: Juliette Turner, 16 year old daughter of actress Janine Turner to discuss her kids book “Our Presidents Rock”.
Guest Interview: End Times expert Janice Valvano to discuss her book “The Near Coming of the Lord”.
Open Line Topic: In light of an open atheist running as a Democrat for the U.S. Congress in Arizona, I had a discussion on whether or not Christians could vote for an atheist if that candidate also happened to be right on all the important issues.

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