Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 10 – 07 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
First case of Ebola contracted outside of Africa occurs in Spain.
White House doing damage control over Biden’s Mideast gaffe.
ABC, NBC don’t even report Biden’s huge Mideast gaffe and apologies.
Liberal feminist Naomi Wolf suggests ISIS beheadings were fake.
“Pro-Global Warming scientist admits the public is wondering “where’s the Global Warming?”
News Hour Guest Interview: Candi Cushman with Focus on the Faily to discuss their new “Bring Your Bible to School Day’ for October 16th.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Fox News analyst and political strategist Dick Morris to discuss his book “Power Grab” about Obama’s abuse of power.
Other Issues Discussed……
I discussed the verbal shootout between Bill Maher and Ben Affleck about Islam, playing the audio of their HBO debate. Crazy as it sounds, Bill Maher was arguing the truth while Affleck kept trying to defend Islam.
Guest Interview: Pastor Jamie Snyder, author of “Thou Shall Not” to discuss how Christianity is more than just a set of rules.
Other Issues Discussed……
In light of yesterday’s huge pro “gay marriage” decision from the Supreme Court, I picked apart and scrutinized a blog piece by a Pastor entitled “If I Have Gay Children: Four Promises From a Christian Pastor/Parent”.
Daily Beast : It’s “Draconian” to allow Texas abortion clinics to close.