Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 11 – 12 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Gallup: Americans want Republicans to set national agenda over Obama 53% to 36%.
Obamacare architect apologizes for “stupid American voters” comment.
Black Democrat Rangel actually claims he thought “White Cracker” was a “term of endearment”.
Google makes PC statement with it’s Veteran’s Day design.
George Washington’s farewell address to Army called for citizens to “imitate Christ”.
Four states let cross dressers change their birth certificates without sex change surgery.
Mormon church admits Joseph Smith had 40 wives.
News Hour Guest Interview: Joe Hicks, with Project 21 Black Leadership Network to discuss the NAACP rejecting conservative black election winners.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Scott Bessenecker, author of “Overturning Tables” to discuss his concerns with church ministries adopting a free market operational style.
Other Issues Discussed….
Michael Brown’s parents address UN.
Suburban D.C. School Board removes all Christian holiday references from calendar to appease angry Muslims.
George Washington’s farewell address to Army called for citizens to “imitate Christ”.
Four states let cross dressers change their birth certificates without sex change surgery.
Mormon church admits Joseph Smith had 40 wives.
Guest Interview: Terrorism expert Dr. Michael Youssef to discuss ISIS and the Middle East.
Other Issues Discussed…..
FBI report confirms crime fell as gun purchases soared in 2013.
Christian Group receives death threats after LGBT group’s “hate” report listing them.
Growing number of Muslims having Jesus appear to them in dreams.