Bob Dutko Show Summaru – Thursday 12 – 18 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama normalizing relations with Cuba.
Cuban-American Senator Ted Cruz rips Obama’s pro-Cuba decision.
Cuban-American Democrat Senator rips Obama for Cuba deal.
Cuban dictator Raul Castro calls on Obama to bypass Congress and list Cuba’s sanctions by Executive Order.
Pope played key role in Cuba deal.
Jeb Bush all but announces for presidency….but he supports Common Core.
6 Reasons some conservatives oppose Jeb Bush.
Hillary: “Black lives matter”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Discovery Institute senior Fellow John Wohlsetter to discuss the ongoing fallout from the Senate CIA interrogation report.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Anthony Ho, author of “The Coming Economic Flood”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the concerns some Christians have with the Pagan origins of Christmas.
Guest Interview: Dr. Jennifer Harvey, author of “Dear White Christians” which claims that racism and “white privilege” is much stronger than most whites accept.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I gave more answers to the claims of so-called “Bible Contradictions”.