Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Feb 11th, 2015

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 02 – 11 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama Senior Adviser Axelrod admits Obama lied about gay marriage position to get elected.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright in 2008 said Christian Crusades the same as Islamic Jihad.
National Center on Sexual Violence calls from boycott of “50 Shades of Grey”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Peter Sprigg with Family Research Center to discuss the Supreme Court allowing Alabama same sex marriages.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Former Senator Rick Santorum and his wife Karen to discuss their disabled daughter Bella as well as his possible 2016 Presidential run.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on whether women flocking to “50 Shades of Grey” is sending mixed messages to men that may encourage them to think women secretly want to be mistreated, and sexually abused.
Guest Interview: Jay Seegert, Co-Founder of the Creation Education Center to discuss his book “Creation & Evolution”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the difference between Brian Williams’ fake Iraq story and Hillary Clinton’s fake Bosnia sniper fire story.

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