Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 03 – 12 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
2 police officers shot in Ferguson.–killings_by_police-ferguson-e3fc87ff9f.html
Associated Press sues State Department for Hillary’s e-mails.
CEG Report: Hillary’s State Department least transparent of all government agencies.
White House actually repeats claim that Obama administration is “the most transparent in history”.
News Hour Guest Interview: MRCTV Video Editor Monica Sanchez to discuss the Hillary Clinton E-mail scandal.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. Kevin Leman to discuss his new updated and revised “Birth Order Book”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Star Wars to introduce first gay character.
Professors: U.S. Flag symbolizes racism.
Psychology Today no longer accepting ads for gay conversion therapy.
Scientists: “Global Warming” happening for last 11,000 years due to Earth’s “orbital variations”.
Presbyterian Church USA close to officially approving gay marriage.
Guest Interview: Christian Comedians Lay and Laura Laffoon to discuss being married as Comedians.
Guest Interview: Erin Marshall, co-author of “The Hope of Heaven: God’s Eight Messages of Assurance to a Grieving Father.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on Utah bringing back the Firing Squad.