Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 03 – 04 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Congress to investigate Hillary e-mail scandal.
Hillary may have broken the law with personal e-mail account.
Hillary private e-mail accounts raise concerns with Benghazi Committee.
7 Reasons “Net Neutrality” is a threat to your freedom.
Gallup: Democrats support for Israel plummeted during Obama years.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor David R. Smith, author of “Christianity, It’s Like This” to discuss the basics of Christian faith.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Facebook locks out 12 year old from his account for saying Obama “doesn’t love America”.
Op-Ed on liberals trying to silence and destroy conservatives.
Google to start deciding “trustworthiness” of website “facts”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Wayne Jacobson, author of “Finding Church: What if There Really is Something More?”
Open Line Topic: A discussion on my vacation cruise ship having no Christian interest activities at all.