Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 04 – 27 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Thousands dead after Nepal earthquake.
Obama makes jokes at Correspondents dinner.
Joe Biden says “no president has ever done more to support Israel’s security than Barack Obama”.
CBS’s Bob Schieffer says he was “inundated” with demands to refuse to interview him.
Supreme Court begins hearing gay marriage case on Tuesday.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Anita Agers-Brooks, author of “Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over” to discuss handling trials in life.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Presbyterian Pastor writes op-ed praising abortion called “I Love Planned Parenthood”.
Lesbian couple awarded $135,000 from Christian baker for “mental rape”.
Johns Hopkins bans Chick Fil-A from campus.
Guest Interview: Dr. Mike Rakes, author of “Slings and Stones” to discuss how Christians can overcome battles of the mind.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the Bruce Jenner/Diane Sawyer interview.