Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 09 – 08 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Some murderers get released on bail…..but not Kentucky Clerk.
Kentucky Clerk jailing judge has history of pro-gay activism.
Madonna’s gay brother defends Kentucky gay marriage clerk.
New York Times reports Kentucky gay marriage Democrat clerk as a “Republican”.
Double standard regarding Kentucky clerk and other Democrats who refuse to “uphold the law”.
Kentucky clerk in jail, but gay marriage started with law breaking, pro-gay marriage officials.
Former NFL star claims Houston area police officer pointed “gun in his face” for no reason.
Former NFL star caught lying in claim Texas cop “pointed gun in his face”.
Las Vegas officer ambush shot while sitting in patrol car.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Creation scientist Dr. Kent Hovind, just released from federal prison, to discuss his prison time and his Creation Science plans going forward.
Other Issues Discussed……
ESPN suspends Curt Schilling for the rest of year over his (accurate) tweet insulting Islamic terrorists.
Time magazine censors Pope’s message about abortion.
Tim Tebow tweets Scripture after being cut from the NFL.
Guest Interview: Dr. Gregory Jantz, author of “Don’t Call it Love: Breaking the Cycle of Relationship Dependency”.
Open Line Topic: we discussed the case of Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis sitting in jail for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses.