Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 10 – 19 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama officially signs Iran Nuclear deal.
Hillary claims voter ID laws are “a blast from the Jim Crow past”.
Hillary trying to back off her claim that she’s “proud” to make Republicans her “enemies”.
Trump attacking George Bush for 9-11.
Trump and Carson get Secret Service protection.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Jonathan Sandys, the Great Grandson of Winston Churchill and author of “God and Churchill”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Hillary praises Planned Parenthood’s founding.
California University settles out of court for professor’s assault on pro-life students.
Guest Interview: Mo Mydlo, President of Unforsaken Ministries to discuss her book “Overcoming Anxiety”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the Palestinian knife attacks on Israelis and why so many of the political Left continues to defend and side with the Palestinians.