Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 10 – 28 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
House GOP begins Impeachment proceedings against IRS Director.
Jay Sekulow op-ed on the Obama Administration closing IRS investigation.
Media having field day with Trump’s description of a “small loan” of $1 million.
New numbers: gun related homicides down 50% over last 20 years while legal gun ownership doubled.
News Hour Guest Interview: Rich Noyse, Director of Research for Media Research Center to discuss tonight’s GOP debate.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Sue Ellen Browder, former feminist and abortion propagandist with Cosmopolitan Magazine to discuss her book “Subverted”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Lena Dunham will dress as a Planned Parenthood abortion doctor for Halloween.
Texas Junior High School apologizes for assignment declaring there is no God.
Indianapolis restaurant owner now offering 25% discount to conceal carry customers after being robbed.
51% of church fires are arson.
Guest Interview: Dr. Clinton Arnold, Dean of Talbot School of Theology to discuss his book “Short Answers to Big Questions About God, The Bible and Christianity”.
Other Issues Discussed……
I examined some of the toughest questions people have about the blending of faith and science.