Thursday, November 12, 2015

Show Highlights, Thursday, Nov 12th, 2015

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 11 – 12 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Op-ed about Mizzou protests and president resigning.
Glamour Magazine’s list of ways to “Give back this Holiday Season” includes donating to Planned Parenthood.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
News Hour Guest Interview: Economics expert Steve Moore to discuss Hillary Clinton giving Obama an “A” on the economy.
Guest Interview: Ken Blount, author of “Devil-Proof Your Family: Exposing the Devil’s Strategy Against Your Home”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I gave some more examples of documented scientific evidence, discovered by evolutionary scientists themselves, that show the Earth can not be billions of years old, but only a few thousand.
Guest Interview: Pastor John Burke, author of “Imagine Heaven: Near Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
We took calls on the current debate in the media over going back in time and killing Hitler as a baby.

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