Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 01 – 12 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama to tout his “economic record” at SOTU? Seriously?
Latest Hillary e-mail release appears to show clear criminal violation of Federal law.
Report claims FBI has “public corruption” evidence against Hillary now.
Golden Globes Awards one big cursing raunchfest.
Sean Penn meets with, but doesn’t tell authorities location of El Chapo, the world’s most notorious drug kingpin.
News Hour Guest Interview: Rich Noyse, Director of Research for Media Research Center to discuss tonight’s State of the Union address.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: A debate with Philosopher Dr. Jerry Martin, Head of a college Philosophy Department and author of “God: An Autobiography as Told to a Philosopher” who claims God revealed to him that he works through all world religions.
Other Issues Discussed…..
With the Roe v Wade anniversary coming up, I read an op-ed piece I wrote 3 years ago about how illogical the top pro – “choice” arguments truly are.
Guest Interview: Pastor Loren Covarrubis of Mt. Zion Church, author of “The New Awakening” to discuss how we need a true Christian awakening in the Church today.
Other Issues Discussed……
I examined in detail the case against the Bodnariu family in Norway that has had the government take away their 5 children for spanking (calling it “abuse”) and for “Christian indoctrination”.