Monday, May 2, 2016

Show Highlights. Friday, April 29th, 2016

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Friday 04 – 29 – 16

Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Cruz fires back at Boehner for “Lucifer” comment.
Obama first president ever to not once see at least 3% economic growth.
White House tries to put positive spin on horrible 0.5% growth number…..but then blames Republicans.
Ronald Reagan’s daughter rips Will Ferrell for planned role mocking her dad’s Alzheimer’s.
Obama’s Department of Justice now calling convicted criminals “justice involved individuals”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Ashley McGuire, Senior Fellow with the Catholic Association to discuss Hillary’s inadvertently calling an unborn fetus a “person”.
Rest of the Show…….
Guest Interview: David Stark, author of “Reaching Millennials: Proven Methods For Engaging a Younger Generation”.
Guest Interview: Former Atheist Dr. John Lawrence Hill, author of “After the Natural Law”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gufstafson of to discuss what’s happening in the movies this weekend from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
Free For All Friday

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