Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 05 – 09 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump says wealthy will pay more in taxes if he’s President.
CBS’s absurdly softball interview of Hillary.
Obama’s softball questions from reporters.
NBC’s tough interview of Trump compared to their softball interview of Hillary.
Investigation finds Clinton Foundation to be a “Charity Fraud”, ABC, NBC, CBS refuse to report.
Obama’s Presidential Mother’s Day Proclamation honors transgendered “mothers”. (Ummm, those would be “fathers”)
John Kerry tells students to plan on a “borderless world”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Kevin A. Ring, author of “Scalia’s Court” to discuss the life and legacy of the late Antonin Scalia.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Scientists say they’ve discovered 3 “hospitable” “Earth-like” planets.
London elects Muslim as Mayor.
First ever Muslim “Miss USA” from 2010 has converted to Christianity.
Chinese government monitors women 4 times a year to make sure they aren’t illegally pregnant.
Elementary School’s “Father – Daughter” dance canceled for not being “inclusive”.
Christian not allowed to get degree in counseling for his views on homosexuality.
Witchcraft growing in the U.S.
Guest Interview: Anti-Vaccine expert Mary Tocco to discuss the new movie “Vaxxed” and take calls on the vaccination debate.