Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 06 – 06 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Piers Morgan defends his Tweet acknowledging Muhammad Ali’s racist views.
Ali recently denounced Trump’s call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering U.S.
Ali actually supported Ronald Reagan and many Republicans.
Trump catching heat for his comments about “Mexican” judge.
Former U.S. Attorney General (and of Mexican descent) Alberto Gonzales defends Trump.
Hillary refuses top declare gun ownership a Constitutional right.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. Michael Rota, author of “Taking Pascal’s Wager” to discuss why that wager still makes logical sense today.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Historian Bill Federer op-ed on the anniversary of D-Day.
Washington State to start teaching “gender identity” and “gender expression” in Kindergarten.
Christian General canceled from military prayer breakfast speech for being an “extremist”.
Guest Interview: Professor Leslie Williams, author of “When Anything Goes: Being Christian in a Post-Christian World”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the life, death and legacy of Muhammad Ali from a Christian perspective.