Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 07 – 28 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I analyzed last night’s speeches at the DNC Convention, including President Obama’s speech and attacks on Trump.
Media trying to claim Trump actually called on Russia to spy on the U.S.
Hillary flip flops on TPP, VP Kaine flip flops on abortion funding.
Media often ask Ivanka Trump about her father’s treatment of women…..but never Chelsea Clinton.
Google search of Trump’s book also brings up image of Hitler’s “Mein Kamph”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Former State Senator Alan Sanborn to discuss his running for U.S. Congress to replace the retiring Candice Miller.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Bobby Conway, author of “Does God Exist?: And 51 Other Compelling Questions About God and the Bible”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Sonny Smith to discuss the “Life Remodeled” effort in Detroit to reconcile the city and the suburbs.
Guest Interview: Pastor Jeff Noble to discuss pastors getting involved in politics and his run for the State Legislature.
Other Issues Discussed……
I discussed tough theological questions like how we comprehend what we would do in Heaven, what our experiences would be like, etc.
Guest Interview: Pastor Mike Shreve, author of “Who Am I?: Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ”.
Other Issues Discussed……
I discussed the racial tension that exists in today’s politics.