Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 07 – 07 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
FBI Director James Comey gets grilled by Republicans in Congress.
Loretta Lynch says no to charging Hillary, closes case.
Ben Carson says Trump has been “praying” lately.
Hillary Clinton and media claiming a Trump tweet is anti-semitic against Jews.
Back in 1990’s, Trump sued to allow Jews and blacks for club membership.
News Hour Guest Interview: Former U.S. Federal Prosecutor Matt Whitaker to discuss Hillary Clinton not being charged.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Professor of Legal Studies and Constitutional Law expert Dr. Jenna Ellis to discuss her book “The Legal Basis For a Moral Constitution: A Guide For Christians to Understand America’s Constitutional Crisis”.
Other Issues Discussed….
Swimming centipede discovered.
Gallup: Only 79% of Americans now believe in God. 10% “not sure”.
Guest Interview: Tracy Stratford, who played the voice of “Lucy” in the 1965 classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” to discuss her time as Lucy as well as her new book series “Peanuts Great American Adventure”.
Other Issues Discussed….
With today being the grand opening day of the new Kentucky “Ark Encounter” life sized replica of Noah’s Ark, I decided to explin and simplify the feasibility of Noah’s Ark, showing how easy it is to explain all the animals getting on the Ark, the dinosaurs, etc.