Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 07 – 12 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Loretta Lynch testifies before Congress about her refusal to charge Hillary.
List of government employees who were charged for doing much less than Hillary did.
Michigan shooting. Inmate kills 2 Bailiffs.
Gun homicide rates down 40% since 1993.
News Hour Guest Interview: Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America to discuss the recent police shootings.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Best selling “5 Love Languages” author Dr. Gary Chapman to discuss his latest book “A Teens Guide to the 5 Love Languages”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Door being opened in Iowa for pastors to be forced to open restrooms to transgenders.
Pornographer Hugh Hefner’s op-ed about “fanatical Conservatives”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Os Guiness to discuss his latest book “Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle For the Soul of Civilization”.
Other Issues Discussed……
Bill Nye “the Science Guy” visits Kentucky’s “Ark Encounter”.
I responded to Bill Nye claiming the Noah’s Ark replica is “brainwashing children” with scientific evidence for a worldwide flood.