Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 09 – 08 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I gave my analysis on last night’s Commander-in-Chief forum with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Trump gives foreign policy speech.
FBI releases Hillary interview notes.
Scary list of what FBI Hillary notes have now revealed.
FBI notes reveal more evidence Hillary lied to the FBI.
FBI notes reveal Hillary checked e-mail on open, unsecured balcony.
Hillary told FBI she “couldn’t recall” 26 times.
FBI reveals Hillary withheld 17,500 e-mails.
Obama in Laos calls America “lazy”.
Bill Clinton says Trump slogan “Make America Great Again” is a racist slogan.
Louisiana bakery refuses to put “Trump 2016” on a cake.
News Hour Guest Interview: Lt. Colonel (Ret) Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski to discuss last night’s Commander-in-Chief forum with Clinton and Trump.