Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Sept 14th, 2016

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 09 – 14 – 16

Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Hacked Colin Powell e-mails show him planning to endorse Hillary, questioning her health and trashing Trump.
CBS deceptively edits out Bill Clinton slipping up and saying Hillary “frequently” passed out.
GQ Magazine tells media to lay off Obama’s daughter, but went after Bush’s daughter in 2005.
Rest of the Show…….
Guest Interview: Best Selling author and Senior Pastor of Moody Church Dr. Erwin Lutzer to discuss his book “The Power of a Clear Conscience: Let God Free You From Your Past”.
Other Issues Discussed….
NCAA pulls championship game out of North Carolina for it’s bathroom law.
Op-ed about Francis Scott Key and the Star Spangled Banner.
Katie Couric sued for $12 million for deceptively edited anti-gun documentary.
Guest Interview: Former U.S. Representative to the U.N. General Assembly Robert O’Brien to discuss his book “While America Slept: Restoring American Leadership to a World in Crisis”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Examining an op-ed warning pastors could soon face jail for not complying with LGBT agenda.
Remember those news stories claiming proof Jesus had a wife? It’s not been confirmed as a fraud.

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