Friday, January 30, 2009

Show Highlights, Friday,January 30th, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Rich Noyse (Director of Research at “Media Research Center”)
They discussed Obama bashing conservative talk radio.

Then, Bob spoke with Josh Mercer. (Director of Communications for “Catholic”) They discussed NBC not allowing pro- life ad for Super Bowl.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Tanya Unkovich. She was born in New Zealand. She is a counselor and Life Coach. Her book: Unplanned Journey: a triumph in life and death, explains the journey of loosing her husband Phillip to cancer. She shares in her book the daily journey and the strength they got from the Lord.

Then, Bob spoke with Karen Scalf Linamen. She is a motivational speaker and author of several books. Her latest book: Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight: 52 amazing ways to master the art of personal change, offers good tools to make the necessary changes in our lives.

To read the movie reviews Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of, go to

Open line topic: Free for all Friday!!

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