Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Show Highlights, Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Rabbi Glenn Harris from “Congregation Shema YIsrael” in Bloomfield Hills.
He spoke with Gary Bauer (President of “American Values”) They discussed Michael Steele as the new GOP chairman.

Then, Rabbi Glenn spoke to Jeff Muoio. He is a spokesperson for HomeAid Michigan. They discussed the ribbon cutting ceremony with Grace Centers of Hope and Pulte Homes in Pontiac on Feb.5th at 2PM. The Rhonda Hart House will be opened to single moms and their children.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Rabbi Glenn spoke with Jim Seybert. He was a radio announcer and talk show host and producer of over 1,000 TV commercials. He now has a private consulting practice. His book: Leadership Re:vision, offers tools to leaders at work, church etc in time management, stewardship, communication etc...

Then, Rabbi Glenn spoke with Stephen James. He is the co-author along with David Thomas of “Wild Things: the art of nurturing boys”, that takes parents to each age of boys and shows where they are at emotionally and how to help them grow.

Then, Rabbi Glenn spoke with Dr. Ron Rhodes. He is Founder and President of “Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries”
His most recent book: The Wonder of Heaven: a biblical tour of our eternal home, gives us an intimate look at Heaven thru scriptures.

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