Monday, October 19, 2009

Show Highlights, Monday, 19th, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Mary Harned. She is Staff Counsel with “Americans United for Life".
They discussed how Sen. Max Baucus’ Healthcare bill will affect government funded abortions.

Then, Bob spoke with Dan Gainor. He is VP of the "Culture and Media Institute". They discussed ABC,CBS,NBC giving more coverage to “Hot air balloon” story, than the smear of Rush Limbaugh.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Reneau Peurifoy. His book: Why Did God gives us Emotions?, examines our God given emotions and Jesus’ emotions. Also, how we can tell if it is our emotions or God leading us.

Topic: Bob took listener calls asking if giving was down and their churches, and why.

Then, Bob spoke with Theresa Flores. She is a former human sex trafficking victim. She is now a licensed social worker. Her book: Sacred Bath: an American teen’s story of modern day slavery, is a written documentary on how she was a sex slave at a young age. How she got out of that life and how God transformed her. She now educates people all over about how this still exists today.

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