Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 12 – 17 – 13
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Authorities say armed guard prevented more deaths at Colorado school shooting.
Associated Press Poll: At least 11% of employer based insurance plans “discontinued” ALREADY.
“We told you so”. District Judge orders that if gay marriage is legal, polygamy must be also.
Fox News dominates for all of 2013.
Media’s top ten most embarrassing predictions of 2013.
Arctic sea ice up 50%.
Study shows Earth was warmer during Roman, Medieval times.
Poll: 67% say Christmas is more about Jesus Christ than Santa Claus.
Gallup: Republicans trust authority more than Democrats do.
News Hour Guest Interview: Julia Seymour with Media Research Center to discuss their list of the Media’s 10 most embarrassing predictions of 2013.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Chad Young, author of “Authenticity” to discuss why America’s youth see Christians in a negative light.
Other issues discussed…..
Another installment of my Apologetics series, focusing on how listeners can handle the conversation with skeptics.
Guest Interview: Joseph Slawek, author of “Ingredients for Success” to discuss a Biblical approach to success.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on family Christmas letters that people send out.