Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Wednesday 12 – 18 – 13
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson snubs Barbara Walters.
North Dakota to allow man in gay marriage to also marry a woman.
Texas abortion heroine Wendy Davis not very charitable.
CNBC airs song with N-word, apologizes.
Doomsday predicting preacher Harold Camping dies at 92.
News Hour Guest Interview: Rich Noyse, Director of Research for Media Research Center to discuss their “Notable Quotable” awards for 2013.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Historian William Federer, author of “There Really is a Santa Claus” to discuss the history of St. Nicholas.
Other issues discussed…..
An examination of the pagan origins of many Christmas traditions and why I don’t think Christians need to be concerned with those origins.
An examination of Kwanzaa and why I feel it is not Christian friendly.
Guest Interview: Kay Marshall Strom, author of “Once Blind: The Life of John Newton” to discuss the man who wrote “Amazing Grace”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on purchasing witnessing or “proselytizing” Christmas gifts for non-Christians.