Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 03 – 25 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Dept of Justice refuses to name special prosecutor into IRS scandal.
Vatican Chief Justice: Obama’s policies “hostile toward Christian civilization” and “anti-family”.
In U.K., over 15,000 aborted babies burned to generate heat for hospitals.
Wisconsin Governor refuses to remove Tweet of Philippians 4:13 amid atheist demands.
On MSNBC, Jimmy Carter blames worldwide disrespect and abuse of women on…..Islam? No, Southern Baptists and Catholics.
What’s going on? Bill Maher debates liberal anti-Donald Rumsfeld filmmaker, defends Rumsfeld.
News Hour Guest Interview: Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action to discuss World Vision deciding to hire “gay married” open homosexuals.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Stovall Weems, Founding Pastor of a 12,000 member church and author of “The God First Life” to discuss truly placing God first in your life.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on an online campaign by a Tennessee Pastor called where restaurant servers can complain about Christians being “lousy tippers”.
Guest Interview: Rick Morton, author of “know Orphans: Mobilizing the Church for Global Orphanology”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Iran says Christians are a “threat to national security”.
Hollywood Reporter movie review of “Noah”.
Texas Principal who told kids to speak English to lose job.