Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Wednesday 03 – 26 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Supreme Court hears arguments on Hobby Lobby vs Obamacare case.
Dishonest abortion activists attack Hobby Lobby at Supreme Court.
Media dishonesty regarding Hobby Lobby case.
Planned Parenthood president denies abortifacients cause abortions.
Flight 370 families demanding answers from Malaysian government.
MRC Study. Networks give 0.74% of air time in 2014 to reporting on Obamacare.
News Hour Guest Interview: Brian Sharp with RBC ministries to discuss their publication “Our Daily Bread” now offering a digital app.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Larry Stone, author of “Noah: The Real Story” to discuss the flaws in the upcoming movie “Noah”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Franklin Graham on gay marriage: “God will judge this nation”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Kent Clark, Director of Grace Centers of Hope, the largest homeless shelter in Oakland County.
Guest Interview: Dr. David Garrison, 25 year missionary to Muslims and author of “A Wind in the House of Islam” to discuss how God is bringing the truth of Jesus to the Muslim world.
Other Issues Discussed…..
An examination of so-called “Bible contradictions”.