Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Monday 06 – 30 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Supreme Court rules 5-4 against Obamacare contraception mandate.
Supreme Court rules 5-4 against Unions forcing home Health Care workers to join a Union.
Obama defiant in face of Boehner lawsuit threat.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman supports lawsuit against Obama.
Antarctic ice hit new all time record high.
Liberal Slate magazine blames ISIS terrorism in Iraq on Global Warming.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Former Mormon Dr. John Wallace, author of “Starting at the Finish Line” to discuss why younger Mormons are leaving Mormonism.
Guest Interview: Mitch Albom joined me in-studio to discuss his play about Ernie Harwell. I was also joined by the 2 actors in the play.
Other Issues Discussed……
I examined a claim by Elton John that Jesus would support gay marriage.
Guest Interview: Dr. Ted Rivera, author of “Reforming Mercy Ministry” to discuss how exactly we are to “love our neighbor”.
Open line Topic: A discussion on the 2 huge Supreme Court decisions that came down today on unionizing Home Health Care workers and Obamacare’s contraception mandate.