Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – 07 – 01 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
An examination of the dishonest attacks from the liberal left regarding the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision.
Obama defiant in face of Boehner lawsuit threat.
Antarctic ice hit new all time record high.
Liberal Slate magazine blames ISIS terrorism in Iraq on Global Warming.
News Hour Guest Interview: Horace Cooper, Co-Chair of the Project21 National Advisory Board to discuss the Hobby Lobby decision.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dinesh D’Souza to discuss his new movie “America” hitting theaters tomorrow and to discuss his violation of Federal election laws.
Other Issues Discussed……
I examined the many ways people use dishonesty in debate in a whole wide range of topics and issues.
Open line Topic: A discussion on Cracker Barrel firing a 73 year old veteran for giving away free muffins to poor people.