Monday, December 8, 2014

Show Highlights, Monday, Dec. 8th, 2014

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 12 – 08 – 14

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Mary Landrieu loses in Louisiana Senate run-off election. GOP now officially a 54 seat majority.
Obama now holds all time record for most Congressional seats lost by a president’s party.
Fort Hood shooting victims will finally be eligible for Purple Hearts.
Obama’s Romney debate partner, Candy Crowley, leaving CNN.
CNN devotes 26 seconds to Democrat led report clearing Chris Christie in Bridgegate scandal. Spent 8.5 hours in one day when scandal was first launched.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: W. Terry Whalin, author of “Billy Graham: A Biography of America’s Greatest Evangelist”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined the issue of why black and white Christians are so divided over the Ferguson and NYC police deaths.
Guest Interview: Eli Nazario, author of “Pillars of Fire”, which argues that God created aliens on other planets.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the racial division in the church on the Ferguson and NYC deaths.

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