Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 12 – 09 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Senate Democrats release CIA report on Bush era terrorist interrogation techniques.
ABC News veteran says Obama launches into “profanity laced” tirades with media off camera.
New video show Michael Brown’s stepfather saying “I’m going to start a riot”.
Joe Biden to smart girls: “You’re as smart as any boy”.
Scientists claim to have simulated the creation of life on Earth.
Obama reveals his lack of understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.
News Hour Guest Interview: Bill Blacquiere, President of Bethany Christian Services to discuss the Obama administration forcing Christian owned businesses to violate their beliefs.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. J.D. Greear, author of “Jesus Continued” to discuss the person of the Holy Spirit.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Scientific debate over parting of Red Sea in “Exodus” movie.
NYC: 78% of abortions are minorities.
Satanic Temple display approved for Christmas display in Florida Capitol.
Family leaves corpse in house 6 months praying for a resurrection.
Guest Interview: Former U.S. Senator James L. Buckley, author of “Saving Congress From Itself” to discuss ending all Federal grants.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I continued my apologetics series by giving medical and scientific evidences the Bible really is true.